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An Announcement on Releasing Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018)

From: 市经信局 Time: 2018-07-09 09:48:40


Ningbo Industrial Development Promotion Office [2018] No. 15


【Policy Guidance】

I. Background & Purposes

Since the Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2017) (hereinafter referred to as the “3511”Direcotry) took effect a year ago, it has played an active role in providing guidance for local industrial enterprises to perform technological reforms. While with the ever deepening development of the city of Ningbo as a pilot city for the demonstration of the implementation of the national strategy of “Made in China 2025” and the efforts that have been made for “6 Strives for Solving Problems” as was put forth by Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, the original content of the Directory is now no longer suitable for the needs of the new economic development. Therefore, the original Directory has been modified. Meanwhile, as required by the Implementation Scheme for Full Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industry in Ningbo (Year 2017-2020) (Ningbo G [2017] No.77) which was released by Ningbo Municipal People’s Government on October 2017 and the Three-year Planning for the Acceleration of the Promotion of Technology Reforms among Enterprises in Ningbo (Year 2017-2019) (Ningbo G Office [2017] No. 160) which was released by the General Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government in December 2017, the development quality and level of the traditional manufacturing industry be enhanced and technological reform to the traditional manufacturing industry be supported. Therefore, it is a must to work out the Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory.

II. Document Frame & Content

1. Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018)

The frame of the Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) keeps the same with the original version but makes changes on 3 aspects: firstly the content focuses more on the manufacturing industry by deleting the content of the service industry for the original 3 major strategic industries, 5 major advantageous industries and a group of new rising industries while keeping only the content of industrial investment (mainly on the manufacturing industry) and the content has been standardized and improved. Meanwhile, the content of the manufacturing service industry of the last “1” category of “3511” has been improved as well. Secondly, according to the situation of implementing the Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2017) and the industrial reality in Ningbo, the original content of the Directory has been either deleted or added with more precise content, especially supplementation to the relevant industries and products of key industries now and in the future. Thirdly, in accordance with the requirements on intelligent manufacturing projects as are put forth by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the evaluation criteria of discrete intelligent manufacturing and process based intelligent manufacturing has been improved appropriately.( The number of key intelligent manufacturing equipment has increased from 5 to 8; the copyright and enterprise/ industrial/ national standard drafts have been increased from 1 to 3; 1 kind of invention copyright has been added.)

2. Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018)

Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018) confirms the key directions of transformation and upgrading of 9 major traditional manufacturing industries of textile and garment manufacturing, chemicals, rubber and plastic products, stationeries, household electrical appliances, non-ferrous and ferrous metal smelting and calendaring processing, chemical fiber manufacturing, nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing and agricultural and sideline food processing.

III. Date of Implementation

Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018) take effect 30 days after their issuance.

IV. Right of Interpretation

Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee is responsible for the interpretation and explanation of Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018).

V. Contact

Zhao Shanyang with the Industrial Investment and Technology Transformation Division of Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee at 87186405.


People’s Governments and Administration Committees of all districts, counties (sub-cities), and member units of the Ningbo Leadership Group Office for the Promotion of “Made in China 2025”,

Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018) have been released upon revise of the Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2017) by the Ningbo Leadership Group Office for the Promotion of “Made in China 2025”and Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee with the purpose of more accurately supporting the "3511" industry in our city and developing industrial investment and technological transformation projects in the intelligent transformation, and encouraging the transformation and upgrading of the 9 traditional manufacturing industries in accordance with the Implementation Scheme for the Development of Ningbo as it Being a Pilot City for the Demonstration of the Implementation of the National Strategy of “Made in China 2025”(Ningbo G Office [2016] No. 152), the Several Opinions on the Promotion of the Development of Ningbo as a Pilot City for the Demonstration of the Implementation of the National Strategy of “Made in China 2025” (Ningbo G [2017] No. 12), the Implementation Scheme for Full Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industry in Ningbo (Year 2017-2020) (Ningbo G [2017] No.77) and the Three-year Planning for the Acceleration of the Promotion of Technology Reforms among Enterprises in Ningbo (Year 2017-2019) (Ningbo G Office [2017] No. 160).

Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018) are the 2 major references for project investment for the development of Ningbo as it being the pilot city for the demonstration of the implementation of the national strategy of “Made in China 2025” and for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry. While referring to the 5 industries of metal surface treatment, non-ferrous metals, agricultural and sideline foods, sand and water washing and waste plastics, the projects to be invested are supposed to improve the level of technological equipment, pollution control, clean production and safety production level, and actively apply the advanced technology, technology and equipment of pollution reduction, energy saving and water saving.

Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018) take effect 30 days after their issuance and is to be revised anytime when necessary. The original Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2017) is abolished at the same time. Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee is responsible for the interpretation and explanation of Ningbo “3511” Industrial Investment Guidance Directory & Smart Manufacturing Assessment Standard (Year 2018) and Ningbo Traditional Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Investment Guidance Directory (Year 2018).


Ningbo Leadership Group Office for the Promotion of “Made in China 2025”

Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee

22 May 2018

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