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An Announcement on Releasing the Three-year (2018-2020) Planning for “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” of Above-designated Scale Industrial Enterprises in Ningbo

From: 市经信局 Time: 2018-08-15 09:07:53

An Announcement on Releasing the Three-year (2018-2020) Planning for “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” of Above-designated Scale Industrial Enterprises in Ningbo


NBEIC Energy Conservation [2018] No. 129


[Policy Guidance]


I. Background

Ningbo is a competitive industrial city and the energy consumption of above-designated-scale industrial enterprises accounts for 70% of the total energy consumption throughout the city. Thus, it has been the most important task to improve the efficiency of energy utilization among industrial enterprises above designated scale for energy conservation and consumption reduction. Meanwhile, problems, such as extensive energy-saving management and use of backward energy equipment in above-designated-scale industrial enterprises, still exist. Therefore, there is still a great possibility to improve energy conservation. This Planning is now put forth with the purpose of breaking through the bottleneck of energy-saving potential of local industrial enterprises, innovating ways for energy conservation, improving the capability of green manufacturing and making sure of fulfilling the tasks required by the “Thirteenth Five-year” Energy Conservation Objectives.


II. Policy and Regulation Basis

Ningbo Program of Action for “Made in China 2025”

An Announcement on Releasing the “Thirteenth Five-year” Comprehensive Working Scheme for Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction in Ningbo

Three-year (2017-2019) Action Planning for Green Manufacturing Engineering in Ningbo


III. Drafting Process

The Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization Division with Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee has been drafting the Three-year (2018-2020) Planning for “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” of Above-designated Scale Industrial Enterprises in Ningbo (hereinafter referred to as the Planning) since December 2017. During the drafting process, the Division made visits to representative enterprises of every industry in Ningbo, learning the problems that they had encountered in energy conservation and consumption reduction as well as their needs and having meetings with energy conservation service providers and industrial experts in China for the demonstration and refinement of the principle, objectives and implementation steps of the Planning and for making the Planning more feasible and operable. The Planning has completed consultation with all the districts, counties and sub-cities in Ningbo and Ningbo Finance Bureau. Till June 22, 16 units had given feedbacks (12 papers of written feedbacks and 4 pieces of oral feedbacks) , i.e., 4 pieces in total. The feedbacks of suggestions for revision had been discussed and 2 out of the 4 pieces had been accepted and the rest 2 not.


IV. Basic Framework and Major Content

The Planning is composed of 4 major parts.

The first part is composed of the general ideas, basic principles and main objectives. It is planned that the energy effectiveness diagnosis covers all industrial enterprises above designated scale in Ningbo till Year 2020, that the green manufacturing system be generally developed, that 2,000 energy conservation transformation projects be fulfilled for energy conservation of 1.5 million tons of standard coal, and that 300 enterprises with backward production capacities be eliminated for the saving of energy of 600 thousand tons of standard coal. The basic principles include enterprises taking the responsibility under governmental guidance; coordinating for highlighting key points; rewards and punishments both needed for actual practice.

The second part elaborates the implementation steps and key tasks. Firstly, energy efficiency diagnosis be carried out by ways of entrusted diagnosis and self-diagnosis. Each year, a group of industrial enterprises above designated scale be diagnosed and the diagnosis shall cover all the industrial enterprises in 3 years’ time. Secondly, transformation scheme be put forth. To promote service providers to carry out deeper cooperation with enterprises that have finished energy effectiveness diagnosis and put forth corresponding “energy efficiency multiplication” transformation schemes on the basis of the diagnosis report. Thirdly, energy conservation transformation be implemented. To promote enterprises to take measures for energy conservation technological transformation and elimination of backward production capacity on the basis of the pre-transformation diagnosis and the corresponding scheme. Fourthly, performance appraisal be carried out. To entrust a third-party institution to carry out objective evaluation and summarize those effective measures and valuable experience.

The third part focuses on the working mechanism. Firstly, to establish a multi-level responsibility mechanism to make clear every responsibility of every unit at different levels. Secondly, to develop a government-enterprises interactive mechanism so as for every government department and enterprise involved to play their active roles. Thirdly, to establish a competition assessment mechanism to improve the working efficiency of service providers. Fourthly, to set up a whole process supervision mechanism to make sure of the whole action fair and just.

The fourth part is about the safeguards. Firstly, the organizational leadership is supposed to be strengthened for full participation and interaction and joint efforts be made. Secondly, fund subsidies should be strengthened and granted to those enterprises that carry out the designated “energy efficiency multiplication” transformation schemes after being diagnosed. Thirdly, law enforcement supervision should be strengthened and energy conservation supervision departments at all levels should conscientiously perform their duties and strictly investigate and deal with all kinds of illegal energy consumption behaviors. Fourthly, advertising be strengthened for creation of a favorable atmosphere for energy efficiency improvement and the importance and urgency of the energy saving be well advertised. A favorable atmosphere of cooperation be developed among governmental departments, enterprises and service providers.




Economic and Information Technology Bureaus of all districts, counties and sub-cities in Ningbo, Economic and Development Bureaus of all administrative committees in Ningbo, and all relevant units,

The Three-year (2018-2020) Planning for “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” of Above-designated Scale Industrial Enterprises in Ningbo is released for your reference and implementation in accordance with the requirements made in Ningbo Program of Action for “Made in China 2025” and the Implementation Scheme for Developing a Pilot City for the Demonstration of the Implementation of the National Strategy of “Made in China 2025” of Ningbo for breaking through the bottleneck of energy-saving potential of local industrial enterprises, improving the capability of green manufacturing and providing guidance for enterprises to improve product quality with higher efficiency..

Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee

6 July 2018


Three-year (2018-2020) Planning for “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” of Above-designated Scale Industrial Enterprises in Ningbo


This Planning, in accordance with the requirements made in Ningbo Program of Action for “Made in China 2025” and the Implementation Scheme for Developing a Pilot City for the Demonstration of the Implementation of the National Strategy of “Made in China 2025” of Ningbo, is now put forth with the purpose of breaking through the bottleneck of energy-saving potential of local industrial enterprises, innovating ways for energy conservation, improving the capability of green manufacturing, providing guidance for enterprises to improve product quality with higher efficiency and making sure of fulfilling the tasks required by the “Thirteenth Five-year” Energy Conservation Objectives.


I. General Ideas, Basic Principles and Main Objectives

(1) General Ideas

To fully implement the strategy of developing a strong manufacturing power of China, to promote the structural reform of the supply side, to take the "Made in China 2025" Ningbo Action as an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the energy utilization of the enterprise as the goal, with the support of the scientific and technological innovation, while centering on the "13th Five-year" energy "double control" target in Ningbo, to adhere to the principle of “enterprises taking the responsibility under governmental guidance; coordinating for highlighting key points; rewards and punishments both needed for actual practice”. To focus on key industries, key enterprises and key energy consumption equipment and to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise for exploring more potential markets and for providing great power for the development of a strong manufacturing power of Ningbo by means of energy efficiency diagnosis, energy saving technology transformation, elimination of the backward and so on.

(2) Basic Principles

a. Enterprises taking the responsibility under governmental guidance for them to play a full role in taking the responsibility of the action of “Energy Efficiency Multiplication”. Enterprises shall be encouraged to participate in the action with great enthusiasm and innovation. Governmental departments strengthen services and explain policies well enough for the creation of a favorable atmosphere for energy conservation and consumption reduction throughout the society and for the improvement of energy efficiency among enterprises.

b. Coordinating for highlighting key points. To integrate the “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” Action with energy conservation transformation, backward production capacity elimination and energy saving supervision, and to innovate carriers, taken more measures and improve the working efficiency. To focus on key industries, major enterprises and key equipment while making sure of full progress, and to promote typical demonstrators for leading the improvement of the energy utilization efficiency among energy consumers.

c. Rewards and punishments both needed for actual practice. Different kinds of evaluation of energy efficiency service providers would be carried out and those who are outstanding would be able to get rewards. While punishments would also be exerted in case of failures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Every project is to be developed in accordance with the requirements on the improvement of efficiency of energy utilization so as to make sure that the project is developed on schedule with effectiveness in energy conservation.

(3) Major Objectives

To fully motivate every governmental institutions, relevant departments and energy consumers in Ningbo to participate in the “Energy Efficiency Multiplication” Action and it is expected to carry out full and delicate energy efficiency diagnosis till Year 2020 for encouraging enterprises to apply technologies for energy conservation, administrate energy saving and to eliminate backward production capacities and for the improvement of the energy conservation efficiency and fulfill the tasks of the “Thirteenth Five-year” “Energy and Resource” “Dual Control” Mission.

--- To realize a full diagnosis coverage of all industrial enterprises above designated scale; to fulfill 1,000 energy conservation transformation projects for energy conservation of 1.5 million tons of standard coal, and to close 300 enterprises with backward production capacities for the saving of energy of 600 thousand tons of standard coal.

--- The green and clean manufacturing mode extensively applied; major energy efficiency indexes of key industries and major enterprises developed up to the standard of international leading level; 10 leading energy efficient enterprises to be developed.

--- To develop a green manufacturing system. Projects on green products, green factories, green parks, green supply chains and green manufacturing systems would be developed fully and the mechanism for the market promotion of green products would be initially established; more than 6 green industrial parks would be nurtured and over 40 green demonstrative factories be developed.

--- The enterprise energy efficiency equipment database to be developed basically for effective covering of industrial enterprises above designated scale in Ningbo.

--- The energy conservation management capability to be improved greatly and the system of “Internet + Energy Conservation” better improved; the work related to energy saving to be changed from passive supervision to active management.


II. Implementation Steps and Key Tasks

(1) To carry out energy efficiency diagnosis

From January 2018 to December 2020, each year, a group of industrial enterprises above designated scale will be diagnosed for energy efficiency by the way integrated with entrusted diagnosis and self-diagnosis. All industrial enterprises above designated scale are to be covered for energy efficiency diagnosis within 3 years’ time. The municipal department in charge of energy conservation takes the responsibility in comprehensive coordination for energy efficiency diagnosis, while departments in charge of energy conservation in all districts, counties (sub-cities) and administrative committees shall be responsible for detailed measures for carrying out energy efficiency diagnoses. Enterprises with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of over 1,000 tons of standard coal are supposed to apply the entrust diagnosis, and those whose annual comprehensive energy consumption is less than 1,000 tons of standard coal can carry out the diagnosis on their own. All the diagnosis reports should be submitted on the Ningbo Energy Resource Administration Service Platform.

a. To confirm the diagnosis service provider. To nurture a group of professional and competitive energy efficiency diagnosis service providers with excellent services by way of nurturing the local ones and introducing from outside of Ningbo for providing tailored, characteristic and professional services for industrial enterprises above designated scale. The local district-level and municipal departments in charge of energy conservation would entrust energy efficiency diagnosis enterprises either through public bidding or direct entrustment in accordance with the characteristics of the industries and enterprises’ needs. Energy efficiency diagnosis enterprises are supposed to release their self-declaration on the appointed platform to guarantee that it has the capability of carrying out the diagnoses and that the diagnoses would be legitimate, fair and just. To establish a database of energy saving experts for key industries. Such experts of the database would be those experts of major enterprises and industries and energy saving experts of professional energy conservation service providers in China. To encourage energy efficiency diagnosis service providers to invite experts of the database to carry out diagnoses together in accordance with the characteristics of the enterprises to be diagnosed.

b. To set up standards for diagnoses. The municipal energy-saving department is supposed to design diagnostic templates for different industries, different energy consumption volumes and different production continuities, and make clear how to make use of these templates for effective collection of information on production energy consumption, office performance consumption and productivity and for full investigation of key energy-consuming equipment and technique. To establish the process management requirements on the input, archiving, modification and destruction of diagnostic results to ensure the diagnostic data is objective, scientific and of guidance.

c. To organize effective matchmakings for carrying out diagnoses. The municipal energy conservation administration department would release the categories of industries and the list of enterprises supposed to be diagnosed within the year and energy efficiency diagnosis service providers shall contact local energy conservation administration departments and enterprises directly in accordance with the List that is issued by the municipal energy conservation administration department. Energy efficiency service providers shall organize professional teams and invite experts of the database to carry out energy efficiency diagnoses in time. The diagnosis would mainly focus on energy conservation transformation, energy saving management, elimination of backward production capacities and the technique of key energy-consuming equipment. Upon the diagnoses, energy efficiency service providers are supposed to put forth preliminary solutions for further energy conservation and designated, effective and scientific energy efficiency diagnosis reports. Some enterprises may take the measure of organizing the energy conservation management staff with their own employees and talents from the outside for deeper excavation of the potentiality of energy conservation and for carrying out self-diagnosis. Departments in charge of energy conservation should take their own responsibilities in timely collection of statistics and make sure smooth development of energy efficiency diagnoses.

d. To put forth a diagnosis analysis report. The energy efficiency diagnosis report should clarify the overall energy use status of the enterprise, tap the energy-saving potential and targeted energy-saving preliminary solutions. Establish the energy efficiency diagnosis database, and effectively dock with the energy management service platform. After digitized processing, the diagnosis report is input into the energy management service platform to enrich the energy management data. Enterprises that take self-diagnosis directly fill in the data through the Internet. Through a wide range of diagnosis and data analysis, find out the gap between the energy efficiency of enterprises in our city and the advanced level at home and abroad, find out the common problems of enterprises, key technical breakthroughs, clear policy recommendations and development goals to promote green development, and feedback the results to the relevant enterprises, and urge them to carry out targeted energy conservation and consumption reduction work.

2. To make transformation plans

For enterprises that have completed energy efficiency diagnosis, energy-saving departments at the municipal and district levels will take the initiative to link up and bridge the gap, strengthen docking services, effectively promote in-depth cooperation between enterprises and service companies, and put forward an enterprise "energy efficiency multiplication" transformation plan based on the diagnosis report, further clarify and refine the potential of enterprises to tap and energy-saving transformation path for the next step. Lay the foundation for the implementation of step projects. Service companies are encouraged to form a consortium with local or foreign professional service companies in accordance with their own technical level and the characteristics of the enterprises they serve, so as to jointly provide specialized and characteristic guidance and services for the enterprises.

3. To implement energy conservation transformation

On the basis of early energy efficiency diagnosis and transformation scheme formulation, energy-saving technical transformation, improvement of energy management level, elimination or replacement of backward production equipment and other measures are adopted to effectively reduce energy consumption and achieve the goal of energy efficiency multiplier through the combination of independent transformation and mandatory transformation.

Based on the characteristics of the industrial structure and the results of the diagnostic report, and with the emphasis on the reform of the petrochemical, papermaking, iron and steel, cement and thermal power industries, the energy-consuming enterprises should be promoted to build an energy management system and improve the energy management and consumption account. We will vigorously promote green manufacturing, give full play to the main role of enterprises, promote the comprehensive development of green products, green factories, green parks and green supply chains, establish and improve a long-term mechanism for green industrial development, and promote the city's manufacturing industry to achieve efficient, clean, low-carbon, recycling and sustainable development. Through the implementation of energy efficiency benchmarking and energy efficiency "leader" action in key industries, to promote the overall energy efficiency of the industry. Emphasis is laid on energy-saving renovation projects, such as improving the efficiency of industrial electric power, air compressor and industrial waste heat and residual pressure recovery, so as to effectively stimulate enterprises' enthusiasm for energy-saving renovation and enhance the overall energy efficiency level of industrial enterprises in our city.

Energy-saving supervision departments at all levels shall, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and documents, force enterprises to complete elimination and transformation by means of economy, law and administration.

4. To carry out performance evaluation

To entrust a third-party organization to conduct a comprehensive and objective evaluation of the "energy efficiency multiplication" action, through the analysis of the energy-saving effect, economic benefits, social impact and other dimensions, to comprehensively refine and summarize the effective practices and experiences of the "energy efficiency multiplication" action, so as to lay a solid foundation for the wider field and higher level of this work. The foundation.

To actively explore the establishment of a long-term energy-saving management mechanism and elimination of backward long-term mechanism to adapt to the energy-saving and consumption-reducing work in Ningbo, create a standardized work model and workflow, clarify the division of responsibilities, reward and punishment mechanism, institutionalize and normalize the action of "energy efficiency multiplication" so as to make it one of the important measures for energy-saving and consumption-reducing work in Ningbo.

III. Working Mechanism

1. To establish a hierarchical responsibility mechanism. We should implement the working mechanism of the municipal, district, county (sub-city) levels and responsibilities to jointly promote the "energy efficiency multiplication" action. Among them, the municipal energy-saving departments are responsible for the comprehensive coordination of actions, including the formulation of work programs and operational rules, the production of diagnostic templates, the development of data platforms, the decomposition of annual tasks, the formulation of financial subsidies, etc., and the energy-saving departments of each district (sub-city) and administrative committee are responsible for the "energy efficiency multiplication" of industrial enterprises in their respective jurisdictions. The specific implementation of the work, including energy efficiency diagnosis docking and supervision, enterprise energy efficiency diagnosis report review, data collection, transformation program to promote the implementation of financial assistance and so on.

2. To establish a linkage mechanism between government and enterprises. Through policy formulation, organization and coordination, the municipal and district energy-saving competent departments will link up enterprises and service companies, form a two-wheel drive model with strong government impetus and positive enterprise response, and jointly promote energy efficiency multiplier. At the same time, give full play to the subjective initiative of enterprises, especially encourage large enterprises in the leading position in the industry or region to carry out a forward-looking and exemplary energy efficiency diagnosis by organizing internal technicians and industry experts to fully tap the potential of energy conservation to achieve self-diagnosis.

3. To establish a competition assessment mechanism. Following the principle of "rewards and punishments for simultaneous use and practical results", we should promote the implementation of the competition assessment mechanism. Organize relevant departments and experts to classify diagnostic reports and service companies according to the quality of energy efficiency diagnostic reports and actual energy-saving effects, and take corresponding reward and punishment measures according to the results of the assessment. Excellent diagnostic reports and unqualified diagnostic reports should be assessed according to a certain proportion. The amount of subsidies should be appropriately increased for excellent diagnostic reports, while unqualified diagnostic reports should be disqualified.

4. To establish the whole process supervision mechanism. Energy-saving supervision departments at all levels should follow and inspect the whole process of "energy efficiency multiplier" action, guide enterprises to establish a unified and standardized energy account, and inspect and accept the effect of energy efficiency diagnosis and energy-saving transformation, so as to ensure the "energy efficiency multiplication" action scientific and effective. The service company that finds out the violation of rules and regulations, uses energy, cheats and so on, corrects it promptly, and cancels the subsidies for diagnostic service fees and disqualifies the service company for diagnostic service if it makes false self-declarations, collects data and solutions, and fails to carry out the work effectively. Enterprises that do not cooperate with the diagnosis and transformation should be disqualified from the priority assessment and the eligibility for energy-saving policy subsidies, and take compulsory energy-saving monitoring measures.

IV. Safeguards

1. To strengthen organization and leadership. Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee should coordinate the work of energy efficiency multiplier. All localities should set up special agencies to clarify the responsible persons and their responsibilities, work out working programs, implement it steadily according to the plan, and achieve the goal of linkage from top to bottom, and promote it in an all-round way.

2. To strengthen financial support. From the municipal green manufacturing and energy-saving special funds every year to arrange the "energy efficiency multiplication" program supporting funds for energy efficiency diagnostic services and energy-saving transformation subsidies. All localities should also arrange corresponding matching funds for the support of "energy efficiency multiplication" action. Giving priority to financial support for projects that carry out energy saving renovation according to diagnostic results. We should actively develop green finance, encourage financial institutions to participate in the "energy efficiency multiplication" campaign, and provide convenient and preferential financial services and credit support for energy efficiency diagnosis and energy-saving transformation through the establishment of green guarantee mechanism, risk compensation and loan discount.

The scope of financial assistance includes the following two aspects:

a. Energy efficiency diagnostic service subsidy. The energy efficiency service providers that have completed the energy efficiency diagnosis according to the entrustment shall be given certain subsidies according to the size of the diagnosis enterprises.

b. Energy conservation transformation subsidy. According to the "energy efficiency multiplication" transformation plan, enterprises should give priority to subsidies in the municipal green manufacturing and energy-saving special funds to carry out energy-saving transformation or eliminate backward projects, and the amount of subsidies should be increased accordingly on the original basis.

3. To strengthen law enforcement supervision. To strictly implement the Energy Conservation Law and relevant energy saving laws and regulations, strengthen the development of energy-saving law enforcement team, increase the law enforcement supervision and strictly punish all kinds of violations. Every energy conservation supervision departments take their own responsibilities, focusing on supervising and inspecting the implementation of energy-saving laws and regulations and energy-saving standards by all parties involved in the "energy efficiency multiplication" operation in their jurisdictions, and seriously investigate and punish various illegal and irregular energy use, energy efficiency failures, and the use of clear-cut energy-using equipment, so as to form a good energy-saving environment.

4. To strengthen advertising and creation of atmosphere. The news media should actively publicize the importance and urgency of energy conservation, cover the advanced models, experiences and technologies of the action of "energy efficiency multiplication", popularize the knowledge and methods of energy conservation, expose and reveal the negative examples of waste of energy, and strive to form a good social atmosphere in which the government, enterprises and service providers work together for energy conservation.

The action plan will come into force 30 days from the date of promulgation.

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