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Notes on the drafting of the Supplementary Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo

From: 市经信局 Time: 2019-12-02 11:59:19

Notes on the drafting of the Supplementary Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo

Auto Equipment Division

(November 2019)


In order to further strengthen our city's application supporting ability and innovation ability in the four major fields of core basic parts (components), key basic materials, advanced basic technologies and industrial technology foundation (hereinafter referred to as "Four Basics"), consolidate the development foundation of the manufacturing industry, and enhance the overall competitiveness and sustainable development ability of our city's industry, on the basis of the 6 terms for cultivation of industrial chains of “Four Basics” in the Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo (Ningbo Industrial Promotion Office [2018] No. 34), four industrial chains including intelligent information terminal, new energy vehicle, high-performance synthetic rubber and high-end synthetic resin are newly added. Therefore, on the basis of the work of the former technical transformation and investment department, we drafted the Supplementary Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo (Draft for Review). The drafting report is as follows:

I. Drafting background

"Four Basics" is the fundamental embodiment of the overall quality and core competitiveness of the industry, and is also an important foundation and supporting condition for promoting the construction of a strong manufacturing city. Strengthening the basic industrial capacity is an important strategic task of "Made in China 2025", and it is also one of the five major projects supporting the construction of a manufacturing power. Our city has a strong industrial foundation in the field of basic parts and materials, strong innovation ability of enterprises, obvious advantages of leading enterprises, and broad market prospects for basic products users. In order to better integrate the "four base" industrial resources of our city, guide qualified basic products and basic technology enterprises to carry out upstream and downstream collaborative application, and guide scientific research institutes, universities and enterprises to carry out collaborative innovation, according to the instructions of the municipal leaders, four new four base industrial chains were added on the basis of the original six four base industrial chain training programs, so as to enhance the basic ability of the four base industrial chain in our city.

II. Policy basis

(1) Guidelines for the Implementation of Industrial Foundation Strengthening Projects (2016-2020), issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) “Made in China 2025” Ningbo Action Scheme (Ningbo P Office [2016] No. 84);

(3) Opinions on Promoting the Construction of "Made in China 2025" Pilot Demonstration City of Ningbo (Ningbo G Office [2017] No. 12)

(4) Three-year Action Plan of Ningbo Industrial Foundation Strengthening Project (Key Foundation Parts) (2017-2019) (Ningbo Industrial Promotion Office [2017] No. 10)

(5) Development Plan of Ningbo Key Basic Parts Industrial Cluster (2019-2025) (Ningbo Industrial Construction Office [2019] No. 20)

III. Main compilation work

Since the official launch of the preparation, the following work has been carried out:

(1) We will carry out basic research on "four basic industries". Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences was entrusted to carry out special research on "four basic" industries in Ningbo, so as to comprehensively clarify the industrial basis, comparative advantages and existing problems of the city's "four basic" industries. Organize research institutes, research institutions, enterprises, associations and relevant departments within the committee to hold a retreat, and preliminarily explore the overall direction of the cultivation of "Four Basics" industrial chain. At the same time, four "four basic" enterprise symposiums were held continuously, and key enterprises in the industry were invited to fully exchange views on their own product status, upstream and downstream supporting conditions, technological innovation ability, and industrial chain cultivation ideas.

(2) We will carry out basic research on "four basic industries". Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences was entrusted to carry out special research on "four basic" industries in Ningbo, so as to comprehensively clarify the industrial basis, comparative advantages and existing problems of the city's "four basics" industries. Organize research institutes, research institutions, enterprises, associations and relevant departments within the committee to hold a retreat, and preliminarily explore the overall direction of the cultivation of "Four Basics" industrial chain. At the same time, four "four basics" enterprise symposiums were held continuously, and key enterprises in the industry were invited to fully exchange views on their own product status, upstream and downstream supporting conditions, technological innovation ability, and industrial chain cultivation ideas.

(3) Further modification and improvement. On September 5, 2019, our bureau organized relevant experts to review the Supplementary Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo (first draft), and further revised according to the opinions of the expert group. On October 12, in the name of Ningbo Municipal Leading Group Office for promoting "Made in China 2025", opinions were solicited from district (county) and municipal governments, municipal development and Reform Commission, science and Technology Bureau, Finance Bureau, bureau of Commerce and other municipal relevant departments, relevant industry associations, enterprises and relevant departments (offices) within the Bureau. From October 12 to 18, public opinions were solicited from the public on the website of the Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, which were revised according to the feedback Change. According to the requirements of the normative documents, it was submitted to the policy and regulation department of our bureau for legitimacy review on October 29. Zhejiang Shengning Law Firm issued the legality review opinion on October 31, and revised it according to the review opinions, forming the supplementary implementation plan for the cultivation of single champion product industrial chain in Ningbo's "four basics" key fields (Draft for Review).

IV. General Scheme

The main framework of the implementation plan is divided into 4 parts: basic requirements, overall objectives, key tasks of industrial chain construction and safeguard measures.

(1) Basic requirements

Based on the guiding ideology of strengthening supply side reform and innovation drive, and centering on the Implementation Guide of Industrial Foundation Strengthening Project (2016-2020) and the Industrial "Four Basics" Development Catalogue (2016 Edition), we will promote the implementation of the development plan of “246” 100 billion level industrial clusters in our city. We will take demand as the guidance, application as the goal, innovation as the driving force, concentrate resource elements, and establish the interaction between the upstream, middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain A new integrated organization mode integrating symbiosis, division of labor and cooperation and benefit sharing shall be established. A technical chain cooperation mechanism for basic material research and development, product design, advanced process development, inspection and testing, and industrial application shall be established. A sound industrial ecosystem shall be established in the key fields of "four basics", and a number of single champion manufacturing enterprises in subdivided industries shall be cultivated to form a good development and application of basic industries favorable interaction pattern.

(2) Overall objectives

Through three years' efforts, we have cultivated 10 "four basics" industrial chains with parts, materials and technology as the traction in Ningbo's advantageous industries and "four bases" key development fields. Around the industrial chain, we will cultivate 100 billion level key basic parts (components) industrial clusters and 500 billion level new materials industrial clusters, break through more than 12 key technologies and advanced processes in the "four basic" fields, promote more than 12 basic products to reach the domestic leading level, cultivate more than 12 single champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry, develop 30 backbone enterprises in the "four base" field, and build more than 6 products Public service platform of industrial technology foundation. Through the cultivation and development of the "four basics" industrial chain, greatly improve the support ability of core basic parts (components) and key basic materials, gradually realize the wide application of advanced basic technology, increasingly improve the basic industrial technology support service system, and significantly enhance the basic industrial capacity.

(3) Four new key tasks of industrial chain construction

Focusing on intelligent information terminals, new energy vehicles, high-performance synthetic rubber, high-end synthetic resin and other fields, aiming at the weak links such as application supporting and technological innovation, we should find out the breakthrough point, build the product application supporting chain horizontally and build the key technology innovation chain vertically.

(4) Safeguard measures

Further implement the safeguard measures of "strengthening organization and leadership, strengthening work linkage, strengthening single champion cultivation, strengthening industrial agglomeration, strengthening target assessment, strengthening policy support, strengthening analysis and research, and strengthening publicity summary" in the Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo (Ningbo Industrial Promotion Office [2018] No. 34), and strengthening overall coordination To strengthen basic innovation, optimize the development environment, accelerate the cultivation and development of 10 "four basics" industrial chains, support core enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises to strengthen industrial cooperation and technical cooperation, enhance the toughness of the industrial chain and improve the level of the industrial chain.

V. Suggestions for the next step

The Supplementary Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Industrial Chains of Single Champion Products in Key Areas of "Four Basics" in Ningbo (Draft for Review) has been reviewed for legality, and there is no unfair competition. Suggestions for further work are as follows:

Suggestion 1: jointly issue a document to announce the implementation plan in the name of Ningbo "Made in China 2025" Leading Group Office and the Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, so as to start the implementation of "four basics" industrial chain cultivation as soon as possible.

Suggestion 2: carry out the certification of core enterprises of the four industrial chains.

Suggestion 3: Study and formulate supporting policies for the development of 10 industrial chains, and adopt competitive methods to give certain financial subsidies to leading enterprises of the industrial chains.

Suggestion 4: draft an announcement on the deployment of key tasks for industrial chain cultivation, and clarify the tasks of district, county (municipal) economic and information technology bureaus and relevant divisions of the Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau.

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