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Opinions of General Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government on Promoting Industrial Capacity Expansion and Steady Industrial Growth

From: 市经信局 Time: 2020-07-13 12:01:41

Opinions of General Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government on Promoting Industrial Capacity Expansion and Steady Industrial Growth


People's governments of all districts, counties (cities) in Ningbo, municipal and provincial units in Ningbo,

In order to follow decisions and implement tasks for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 and for economic and social development, it’s necessary to fully promote the expansion of industrial enterprises’ production capacity and promote steady and healthy development of the industrial economy, so as to ensure "winning both battles against the epidemic and for economic and social development", the following opinions are put forward with the consent of the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government.

I. Support key and newly-built enterprises to reach production capacity and expand production. Encourage key backbone enterprises to accelerate their development by means of structural adjustment, capital increase and production expansion. For enterprises with a total industrial output value of more than 2 billion yuan (inclusive) in the same quarter of last year, if the increase rate of the output value of an enterprise reaches 5% year-on-year in the current quarter, a reward of 200,000 yuan will be given for every 1 exceeding percentage point but up to 1 million yuan at the most; for enterprises with a total industrial output value of more than 1 billion yuan (inclusive) but less than 2 billion yuan, if the increase rate of the output value of an enterprise reaches 8% year-on-year in the current quarter, a reward of 100,000 yuan will be given for every 1 exceeding percentage point but up to 800,000 yuan at the most; for enterprises with a total industrial output value of more than 300 million yuan (inclusive) but less than 1 billion yuan, if the increase rate of the output value of an enterprise reaches 10% year-on-year in the current quarter, a reward of 50,000 yuan will be given for every 1 exceeding percentage point but up to 500,000 yuan at the most.

II. Encourage leading enterprises to improve local supporting rate. Centering on the "246" 100 billion level industrial cluster, we will establish the industrial chain cultivation Library of leading enterprises, comprehensively sort out the industrial chain dominated by leading enterprises, and establish a list of supporting enterprises. Establish a "one-to-one" service mechanism, and organize matching activities of leading enterprises and supporting ones in the industrial chain. According to the number of new local supporting enterprises and the scale of procurement, the policy support of "one case, one discussion" will be given.

For the key supporting projects introduced by leading enterprises, priority should be given to them to enjoy the municipal support project plan. We should encourage leading enterprises to plan and build professional supporting industrial parks, and support the arrangement of project land use indicators and financing services.

III. Encourage enterprises to innovate sales mode. Enterprises are encouraged to participate in the activities of "ten thousand products on display of one hundred networks" and exploit the market with the mode of e-commerce (including cross-border e-commerce). For manufacturing enterprises with an annual newly added online transaction volume of more than 20 million yuan, 0.1% of the newly increased transaction volume will be rewarded, with a maximum of no more than 1 million yuan. A reward of 100,000 yuan will be given to manufacturing enterprises that have newly registered with annual transaction volume of more than 10 million yuan on e-commerce trading platforms.

IV. Promote the upgrading of local brand passenger car consumption. From March 25, 2020 to September 30, 2020, local passenger car manufacturers are encouraged to let consumers enjoy discounts while buying cars. If consumers purchase locally produced and sold passenger cars and license plates in the local place, they will be given a one-time profit concession of 5,000 yuan for buying one vehicle. Each enterprise is limited to selling such 6,000 vehicles for the profit of consumers.

For the new models which are for the first time put into production in this year and listed in the national Vehicle Manufacturers and Products announcement list, after a cumulative output exceeds 10,000 vehicles, a subsidy of 500,000 yuan will be granted for every newly added 10% of the total output, and the maximum subsidy for each enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

V. Guide consumers to buy local consumer products. From March 18, 2020 to May 31, 2020, enterprises manufacturing household appliances, textile and clothing, and cultural and sports goods of their own brands are encouraged to sell with discounts for consumers in the form of issuing electronic vouchers. If the actual transaction volume of online sales reaches more than 50 million yuan (inclusive), 30 million yuan (inclusive) and 10 million yuan (inclusive) respectively, 0.2% of the actual transaction value shall be granted respectively and the maximum subsidy for each enterprise shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

VI. Promote the development of micro and small enterprise parks. Accelerate the construction progress of micro and small enterprise parks, promote the early work resumption and completion of construction projects of micro and small enterprise parks, and actively create good conditions for micro and small enterprises to enter the park for development. Encourage micro and small enterprise parks to strengthen services for enterprises settled down in the park. If the total annual taxable sales of manufacturing enterprises in the park increase by more than 10% year-on-year, the top 15 micro and small enterprise parks will be given a reward of 1 million yuan respectively.

VII. We will increase loan support for industrial enterprises. Financial institutions should timely and deeply understand the needs of enterprises, increase the investment of new loans for industrial enterprises, and strive to increase manufacturing loans by 10% and the proportion of medium and long-term loans for manufacturing industry by 2%.

Support financing guarantee institutions to carry out policy financing guarantee business, and improve the tolerance of policy financing guarantee compensation rate, financing guarantee rate of first loan customers and business magnification.

VIII. We will increase direct financing support for industrial enterprises. Securities branches should actively ask for investment banking business preference from the headquarters, guide the listed companies, companies to be listed and listed on the New OTC Market, which have capital needs, to make good use of various supporting policies and "green channels" of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and national stock transfer system, and carry out financing through IPO, refinancing and selective listing on the New OTC Market.

Financial institutions are encouraged to actively guide enterprises to make full use of various bond financing tools such as exchangeable bonds, green bonds, entrepreneurship and innovation bonds, project bonds, special relief bonds, anti epidemic bonds, asset support plans and other bond financing tools in combination with their own conditions, so as to alleviate the pressure of short-term capital turnover.

IX. Encourage research institutions and service platforms to carry out precise services. We should encourage research institutions to conduct in-depth investigations and researches, help prevent and control the epidemic, promote the resumption of work and production, and strengthen the monitoring and analysis of industrial economic operation. The local government and municipal departments shall recommend the research institutions whose policy suggestions are adopted by the county and municipal governments. If the research institutions are evaluated as excellent, they will be given an annual reward of 200,000 yuan.

For the service platform of industrial enterprises in the whole city, which actively serves the epidemic prevention and control, promotes the resumption of work and production, and helps government departments to publicize and implement policies. Those that are excellent after assessment will be given an annual reward of 200,000 yuan for each enterprise.

X. Strengthen early warning and monitoring of industrial economic operation. Establish and improve the mechanism of monthly monitoring and quarterly evaluation for the city's industrial economic operation, and timely report the industrial economic operation of districts, counties (cities) and development parks. Each month, the districts, counties (cities) and development parks whose cumulative growth rate of industrial added value is higher than that of the average of the whole city and the whole province will be given financial rewards, which are specially used to promote steady growth and transformation and upgrading of industrial economy in all regions, and bonus points will be given uniformly, which will be included in the annual target assessment of high-quality development of regional industrial economy. We will promote the standardized construction of economic operation monitoring teams in towns (sub-districts) and industrial enterprises, and actively organize training programs and exchanges.

This document shall be implemented from March 25, 2020 to December 31, 2020, except for those with definite implementation period as stated in this document. If this document is inconsistent with other similar municipal, provincial and national policy standards, it shall be implemented according to the principle of that "from higher level". All localities and departments should actively publicize and follow the policy, effectively improve the awareness rate of enterprises, and timely implement the policy, so as to enhance the sense of gain of enterprises.


General Office of the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government

March 25, 2020

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