工业和信息化企业:周女士 0086-574-89292060
科研院所:黄女士 0086-574-89298068
林女士 0086-574-89292217
高校:陈先生 0086-574-89186473
总联系人:高先生 0086-574-89298093
电子商务:萨先生 0086-574-89387096
港航物流:蒋先生 0086-574-89189042
金融保险:吴先生 0086-574-89185807
文教卫体:应先生 0086-574-89182745(文体)
陈先生 0086-574-89186473(教育)
陈先生 0086-574-89183886(卫生)
专业服务:徐女士 0086-574-89388559(会计)
周女士 0086-574-87002630(法律)
郑女士 0086-574-89298083(人力资源)
孙先生 0086-574-89382795(其他专业服务)
规划设计:王先生 0086-574-89284642(规划)
汪女士 0086-574-89187220(建筑)
时尚创意:刘女士 0086-574-89186461
科技服务:黄女士 0086-574-89298068
现代农业:石先生 0086-574-89186655
产业领域 | 重点支持细分类别或学科方向 |
科技创新领域 | |
数字产业 | 集成电路、光学电子与传感、软件信息;元宇宙(区块链、数字孪生、智能传感);未来智能(通讯网络、算力网络、通用人工智能、智能工业互联网) |
绿色石化 | 高端聚烯烃、特种橡胶和热塑性弹性体、工程塑料、高性能纤维和复合材料、聚氨酯材料、可降解塑料等领域 |
高端装备 | 新能源汽车(含零部件)、机器人、工业母机(机床、3D打印机、冲压锻) |
新材料 | 电子材料、稀土磁性材料、高端金属合金材料、智能终端膜材料等新型功能材料;前沿新材料(石墨烯基材料、柔性电子、第四代半导体) |
新能源 | 智能光伏、储能;未来能源(氢燃料电池、固态电池、新型发电等) |
关键基础件 | 高端模具材料制备、模具成型加工和大型复杂模具设计,高速伺服电机、永磁电机、磁悬浮电机以及电机驱动控制器、电机关键结构件研发,高速高精轻量化轴承、工业机器人轴承、新能源汽车轴承研发 |
现代健康 | 生物医药、医疗器械、原创新药(放疗药物、靶向药物、生物疫苗、天然药物提取物与相关高端制剂和剂型)、未来诊疗(人造组织器官、细胞治疗、基因诊断、数字医疗、高端医用器械)、中药 |
空天科技 | 航空航天基础件、卫星互联网 |
未来海洋 | 海洋装备、海洋信息、海洋生物 |
量子科技 | 量子测量、量子通讯、量子计算 |
其他 | 力学(宁波大学) |
城市经济领域 | |
电子商务 | 大型电子商务平台企业或团队、电子商务新业态研究、直播电商、MCN机构 |
港航物流 | 高端航运服务,国际海事服务、绿色生态港口、智慧港航、多式联运发展、冷链物流、智能仓储、供应链管理等 |
金融保险 | 金融创新研究,金融紧缺性人才、高级管理人才,金融科技、金融服务 |
文体 | 特色文艺事业、重点文化产业、对区域文化事业发展具有重大引领作用的人才项目 |
教育 | 基础教育、高等教育基础学科研究 |
卫生 | 恶性肿瘤、循环系统、神经系统、呼吸系统、消化系统、血液系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统、免疫系统等重大疾病和骨科、运动医学、妇女儿童、精神、耳鼻喉科等领域临床诊疗与相关研究;重大突发急性传染病的临床诊疗与公共卫生相关研究领域。 |
会计 | IPO等金融资本市场会计服务、业财融合一体化建设、涉外税务等 |
法律 | 涉外领域、IPO等金融资本市场法律服务、海事、新兴领域等 |
人力资源 | 猎头、人力资源外包、网络招聘、人力资源测评、人力资源管理咨询、人力资源培训服务等 |
其他专业服务 | 除会计、法律、人力资源的现代专业服务新业态新模式 |
规划 | 城市规划设计、测绘地理等 |
建筑 | 勘察设计、建筑节能等 |
时尚创意 | 制造业领域时尚创意设计、生产经营管理、品牌营销等方面 |
科技服务 | 研发设计服务、科技咨询服务、技术转移转化服务、检验检测认证服务、知识产权服务、科技金融服务、创业孵化服务等 |
现代农业 | 现代种业、育种育苗技术研发与推广、农田保护建设与农田水利技术、动植物病害防治与疫苗研发、农业投入品研发与检测、农业新技术新品种新模式研发与推广、农产品质量安全检测、设施农业与数字农业技术、高效生态种养殖技术、种养殖污染防治与环境质量检测、农业农村废弃物资源化利用、农业农村可再生能源与节能减排技术、农旅融合等。 |
2024 Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme
To follow through on the guiding principles set forth by the 20th CPC National Congress, accelerate the fostering of a center of global talents and a strategic highland of innovation, and build Ningbo into an optimal destination for high-level talents, a source of innovation and a cluster of industries, the 2024 Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme is hereby announced as a major initiative to attract more talents from across the world. Details of the Programme are as follows:
I. Application & Appraisal Schedule
The 2024 Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme is open to application as of the release of this Notice to September 15, 2024. Official appraisal will be conducted in two batches. Those who apply before April 16, 2024 will be appraised in the first batch, while those applying from April 16, 2024 to September 15, 2024 will be appraised in the second batch.
II. Preferred Qualifications & Priority Fields
To prop up high-quality socioeconomic development of Ningbo, the 2024 Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme will give preference to those high-level talents/teams that can meet local industrial demands, pioneer industrial upgrading and contribute to further industrial progress in Ningbo.
This Programme aims to attract talents/teams in the fields of S&T innovation and urban economy. Specifically, in the field of S&T innovation, with a focus on advancing the “361” Industrial Development Plan, we will mainly introduce talents for such key industries as digital economy, green petrochemicals, high-end equipment, new functional materials, new energy, key basic components, and modern health, as well as such emerging & future industries as cutting-edge new materials, future intelligence, aeronautics & astronautics technology, future marine industry, quantum science, etc.; in the field of urban economy, we will mainly introduce talents for such sectors as e-commerce, port & shipping logistics, finance & insurance, culture, education, health & sports, professional services, urban planning & design, fashion & creativity, S&T services, modern agriculture, etc.
Under equal conditions, we will give preference to the talents/teams with the following qualifications:
those who are eligible for provincial/national talent programmes;
those who have received policy support from the districts/counties (county-level cities) and development zones in Ningbo;
those who have received investment from professional investment institutions;
those who have settled in Ningbo with full-time jobs;
and those who are in charge of municipal/provincial/national key projects.
III. Projects & Eligibility
The 2024 Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme consists of three main projects: the project for entrepreneurial & innovative talents; the project for entrepreneurial & innovative teams; and the project for entrepreneurial teams with capital investment.
(I) Project for Entrepreneurial & Innovative Talents
This Project includes three sub-projects for innovative talents, entrepreneurial talents and youth talents respectively. The specifics are as follows:
1. Sub-project for Innovative Talents
(1) Applicants in the S&T innovation field should have obtained the doctorate and have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience (at least 3 years as of April 15, 2024 for applicants in the first batch; at least 3 years as of September 15, 2024 for those in the second batch, the same below), or have strong industrial influence. The upper age limit is 60 years old (born after January 1, 1964, the same below).
Applicants in the urban economy field should have obtained the master’s degree and have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, or have strong industrial influence. The upper age limit is 60 years old.
(2) The applicant should have worked in Ningbo in the past 2 years (since January 1, 2022, the same below), or has a plan to come to Ningbo for work. Once selected, the talent shall work full-time on the commercialization of innovative achievements or conduct basic research in local enterprises/public institutions for at least 5 consecutive years, and shall not undertake, during this period, any other full-time work in other institutions outside Ningbo.
(3) Regarding the applicants employed in public institutions, the institution should have been established for at least 1 year, be in good financial and operational conditions, and be able to provide the talent with necessary research funds and equipment, as well as a full set of supportive elements for the industrialization of the corresponding research project.
(4) Regarding the applicants employed in enterprises, the enterprise’s legal representative, actual controller, principal founder, or the largest natural person shareholder shall not apply for this Sub-project for Innovative Talents.
2. Sub-project for Entrepreneurial Talents
(1) Applicants for this sub-project should have obtained the master’s degree or have strong industrial influence, and should have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience. The upper age limit is 65 years old (born after January 1, 1959, the same below).
(2) The applicant should have come to Ningbo for work or entrepreneurship in the past 5 years (since January 1, 2019) and have established an enterprise in Ningbo for at least 1 year (i.e., the business registration procedure should have been completed for at least 1 year as of April 15, 2024 for applicants in the first batch, and as of September 15, 2024 for those in the second batch); or, the applicant should have received a degree abroad, and have started up business or been employed at an intermediate/senior position in an overseas university/institution/enterprise, in this case, the applicant should have returned (or come to) China for no longer than 2 years, and should have a plan to start up business in Ningbo.
(3) The applicant (natural person) should be the enterprise’s founder and legal representative, and at the same time the largest shareholder or largest natural person shareholder of the enterprise. One enterprise can only apply once under this Sub-project for Entrepreneurial Talents.
(4) Regarding the applicants in the field of S&T innovation, the applying entrepreneurial talent (natural person) should have invested at least RMB 1 million to the paid-in registered capital of his/her enterprise; for those in the field of urban economy, the required amount is no less than RMB 0.5 million.
3. Sub-project for Youth Talents
This sub-project is only accessible to youth innovative talents and youth entrepreneurial talents in the field of S&T innovation. Among the applying youth innovative talents, we will give preference to the outstanding doctors and post-doctors. The upper age limit is 40 years old (born after January 1, 1984). Other required qualifications are as same as those set in the corresponding sub-projects above.
(II) Project for Entrepreneurial & Innovative Teams
This Project includes two sub-projects for innovative teams and entrepreneurial teams respectively. The specifics are as follows:
1. Sub-project for Innovative Teams
The applying innovative team should present remarkable innovative achievements or great innovative potential, work full-time on the commercialization of innovative achievements or conduct basic research in enterprises/public institutions in Ningbo, and meet the following qualifications:
(1) The applying team should consist of 1 leader and at least 4 members.
Regarding those applying in the field of S&T innovation, the team leader should have obtained the doctorate or have strong industrial influence, and should have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 55 years old (born after January 1, 1969, the same below); the team members should have obtained the doctorate, or have obtained the master’s degree plus more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 45 years old (born after January 1, 1979, the same below).
Regarding those applying in the field of urban economy, the team leader should have obtained the master’s degree or have strong industrial influence, and have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 55 years old; the team members should have obtained the master’s degree, or have obtained the bachelor’s degree plus more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 45 years old.
(2) The team leader and members should have worked Ningbo in the past 2 years, or have a plan to work in Ningbo. Once selected, the team leader and members shall work full-time in Ningbo for at least 5 consecutive years, and shall not undertake, during this period, any other full-time work in other institutions outside Ningbo.
(3) Regarding the applying teams employed in public institutions, the institution should have been established for at least 1 year, be in good financial and operational conditions, and be able to provide the team with necessary research funds and equipment, as well as a full set of supportive elements for the commercialization of the corresponding research project.
(4) Regarding the applying teams employed in enterprises, the enterprise’s legal representative, actual controller, principal founder, or the largest natural person shareholder shall not apply for this Sub-project For Innovative Teams, neither as team leader nor as team member.
2. Sub-project for Entrepreneurial Teams
The applying entrepreneurial teams should master core technologies in key fields, serve to pioneer Ningbo’s industrial progress, bolster local industrial upgrading, yield significant socioeconomic benefits, and meet the following qualifications:
(1) The applying team should consist of 1 leader and at least 4 members. The team leader should have obtained the master’s degree or have strong industrial influence, and should have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 65 years old; the team members should have obtained the master’s degree plus more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 55 years old.
(2) The team leader and members should have come to Ningbo for work or entrepreneurship in the past 3 years (since January 1, 2021), or have a plan to start up business in Ningbo. Once selected, at least half of the team members shall work full-time in Ningbo in the applying enterprise for at least 5 consecutive years. The team leader (natural person) must be the founder, the legal representative and the largest shareholder of the enterprise. The aggregate shareholding ratio of the leader and team members (natural persons) should exceed 50% (totaling the shares directly held by the leader and members on the shareholding platform of the applying enterprise registered in Ningbo); at least two of the team members should be shareholders of the applying enterprise.
(3) Regarding those applying in the field of S&T innovation, the applying enterprise’s paid-in registered capital should include at least RMB 2 million of monetary contribution, of which at least RMB 1 million should be invested by the team leader (natural person). Regarding those applying in the field of urban economy, the applying enterprise’s paid-in registered capital should include at least RMB 1 million of monetary contribution, of which at least RMB 0.5 million should be invested by the team leader (natural person).
(III) Project for Entrepreneurial Teams with Capital Investment
Entrepreneurial teams applying for this Project should boast market competitiveness, bring their technologies, projects and funds to Ningbo for development, and meet the following qualifications:
1. The applying team should consist of 1 leader and at least 4 members. The team leader should have obtained the master’s degree or have strong industrial influence, and should have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 65 years old; the team members should have obtained the master’s degree, or have more than 3 years of relevant full-time work experience, the upper age limit is 55 years old.
2. The team leader and members should have come to Ningbo for work or entrepreneurship in the past 4 years, and have established an enterprise in Ningbo (the enterprise’s business registration procedure should have been completed as of April 15, 2024 for the first batch, and as of September 15, 2024 for the second batch). Once selected, at least half of the team members shall work full-time in Ningbo in the applying enterprise for at least 5 consecutive years. The team leader (natural person) must be the founder, the legal representative and the largest shareholder of the enterprise. The aggregate shareholding ratio of the leader and team members (natural persons) should exceed 40% (totaling the shares directly held by the leader and members on the shareholding platform of the applying enterprise registered in Ningbo); at least two of the team members should be shareholders of the applying enterprise.
(3) The applying enterprise’s paid-in registered capital should include at least RMB 5 million of monetary contribution, of which at least RMB 1 million should be invested by the team leader (natural person), and at least RMB 3 million (including capital reserve) should be invested by private capital (apart from the government funding from Ningbo authorities and the enterprise’s own funds).
Among all applicants for the above projects, those exceptionally excellent or urgently-needed talents/teams may be exempted from one qualification requirement (age/ academic degree/ work experience).
IV. Appraisal Procedure
Appraisals will be jointly conducted by the Organization Department of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee (the Talent Office of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee), Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Ningbo Education Bureau, Ningbo Science & Technology Bureau, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Ningbo Investment Promotion Agency, and other urban-economy-related departments. The specifics are as follows:
(I) Application acceptance. As of the release of this Notice to September 15, 2024, the “Online Application System of Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme” (http://rcgc.nbrc.com.cn) is accessible to eligible applicants. Please fill out the application forms and upload relevant attachments as required.
Different applications will be handled by different authorities.
Regarding the applications in the field of S&T innovation, Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau will process those from industrial/ IT-based enterprises in Ningbo, as well as those from entrepreneurial teams with no registered companies in Ningbo; Ningbo Education Bureau will process applications from local universities and colleges; while Ningbo Science & Technology Bureau will handle those from scientific research institutions (including industrial technology research institutes) in Ningbo.
Applications in the field of urban economy will be addressed by Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and other competent authorities.
Applications from entrepreneurial teams with capital investment will be handled by Ningbo Investment Promotion Agency.
(II) Eligibility review. Applications in the fields of S&T innovation and urban economy will first be appraised by competent district/county (county-level city) departments before being submitted to municipal authorities; those from entrepreneurial teams with capital investment will undergo compliance due diligence by a third-party institution entrusted by Ningbo Investment Promotion Agency.
Applications in the first batch will be reviewed from April to May, 2024; those in the second batch will be appraised from September to October, 2024.
(III) Expert review. A review panel consisting of scientists, venture capital experts and industrial professionals in related areas will appraise in such forms as written documents, oral presentations, or on-site visits. Applications in the first batch will be reviewed from May to June, 2024; those in the second batch will be appraised from October to December, 2024.
(IV) Documents of approval. In view of the panel experts’ recommendations, the due diligence results, and Ningbo’s industrial demands, the official documents of approval will be issued, in two batches, in accordance with due procedures.
V. Supportive Policies
(I) Project funding
1. Selected innovative talents, entrepreneurial talents and youth talents in the field of S&T innovation will be granted a lump-sum subsidy of RMB 1 million; selected innovative talents and entrepreneurial talents in the field of urban economy will be granted a lump-sum subsidy of RMB 0.5 million.
2. Selected entrepreneurial & innovative teams will be classified into A, B, C grades. On this basis, those in the field of S&T innovation will be granted RMB 20 million, 10 million and 5 million accordingly; those in the field of urban economy will be granted RMB 5 million, 3 million and 1 million accordingly. The subsidies will be appropriated in two installments.
3. Selected entrepreneurial teams with capital investment will receive a subsidy equivalent to 30% of the paid-in monetary investment from private capital (rounding off to the nearest hundred thousand yuan) as of the application date. The maximum funding is RMB 20 million.
The subsidies will be appropriated in two installments (50% for each installment). Specifically, as of the selected enterprise’s business registration in Ningbo, the phase-I appropriation will be granted on the condition of accumulating a direct expenditure* that doubles the amount of the subsidy; when the amount is four times that of the subsidy, the phase-II appropriation will be granted. If the accumulative direct expenditure is already four times that of the subsidy as of the application for the phase-I appropriation, the subsidy may be appropriated in lump sum.
(*Direct expenditure: expenses by the corresponding enterprise in Ningbo on the applying project)
For those high-level and influential talents/teams with world-leading core technology, revolutionary innovative achievements, bright industrial prospects and strong market competitiveness, there will be no cap on the funding amount.
(II) Settlement & housing subsidy. Once selected, the eligible talents and team leaders can receive settlement and housing subsidies according to relevant policies.
(III) Financial & credit support. Enterprises founded by the selected talents/team leaders can access a maximum credit loan of RMB 20 million and a 3-year refinancing loan in designated cooperation banks. For those qualified enterprises, we will encourage them to obtain private equity financing in the Ningbo Equity Exchange and introduce to them local government-managed funds .
Once selected, eligible talents/teams can access other supportive policies stated in the Rules for the Implementation of Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme, as well as funding policies issued by their district/county (county-level city) of settlement. The subsidies will be granted as per the highest eligible amount with no repetitive appropriation.
VI. Miscellaneous
(I) Except for the innovative teams, innovative talents and youth innovative talents with full-time jobs in Ningbo, applicants (including team members) in the first batch shall not submit another application in the second batch. All applicants (including team members) shall only apply for one sub-project under the Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme.
(II) Disqualification will be incurred under any of the following circumstances:
1. Talents/teams (including team members) who have been selected in the Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme;
2. Talents, team leaders and members who have been selected in the 3315 Talent Plan;
3. Those who have been selected in the Project of Leading Youth Talents for S&T Innovation in Ningbo;
4. Those who have received support under the Ningbo Top Talent Project;
5. Those who are appointed by higher-level authorities to hold key leadership positions in Ningbo municipal departments or ministerial/provincial departments stationed in Ningbo;
6. Talents/teams directly introduced after case-based deliberation by competent municipal authorities;
7. Those who fail to fulfill or appropriately conclude their previous agreements, including government-sponsored students studying abroad, senior visiting scholars, postdoctoral expatriates under international exchange programs, and other individuals going abroad with financial support from governments at all levels; or those who have engaged in malfeasance, illegal activities, or academic misconduct.
(III) Applicants (including team leaders and members) are required to make the following commitments in the application system. Failure to comply with these requirements will incur disqualification:
1. Selected teams shall not arbitrarily reduce or replace team members, reduce the registered capital, or change the content and objectives of their projects;
2. Once settled in Ningbo, the selected applicants shall not apply for similar programs in other localities;
3. Selected entrepreneurial talents/teams shall prioritize efforts on their projects in Ningbo. Businesses thereof established in Ningbo shall be based in Ningbo and maintain substantive operations for at least 10 years. For those applicants with multiple affiliated companies in different localities, in the case of going public, the enterprise based in Ningbo shall be the primary entity.
4. Selected innovative talents/teams shall work full-time in Ningbo for at least 5 years, pay social insurance premiums and income taxes according to relevant regulations, and not undertake, during this period, any other full-time work in other institutions outside Ningbo.
(IV) Applicants shall apply in good faith, otherwise the individuals will be disqualified, placed on the list of dishonest personnel, and permanently lose the eligibility for the Ningbo Yongjiang Talent Programme. Those who have already been selected will have their approvals revoked. In case of illegal offenses, relevant individuals shall be subject to legal liability.
(V) The submitted application materials shall not contain state secrets. Should the occasion rise that requires classified information, the classified content shall be submitted separately in accordance with national security regulations, and attached with a security clearance document from the applicant’s employer. Under no circumstances shall the top-secret materials be submitted.
(VI) The Leadership Office of Talent Work of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee reserves the right of interpretation for this Notice.
(VII) Unauthorized editing of this Notice is prohibited. Violators will be subject to legal liability.
(VIII) Contact information
General contact: Mr. Li 0086-574-89186470
Mr. Qian 0086-574-89182897
1. For entrepreneurial & innovative talents/teams in the field of S&T innovation
For industrial/ IT-based enterprises: Ms. Zhou 0086-574-89292060
For scientific research institutions: Ms. Huang 0086-574-89298068
Ms. Lin 0086-574-89292217
For universities and colleges: Mr. Chen 0086-574-89186473
2. For entrepreneurial & innovative talents/teams in the field of urban economy
General contact: Mr. Gao 0086-574-89298093
E-commerce: Mr. Sa 0086-574-89387096
Port and shipping logistics: Mr. Jiang 0086-574-89189042
Financial insurance: Mr. Wu 0086-574-89185807
Culture, education, health & sports:
Culture & sports: Mr. Ying 0086-574-89182745
Education: Mr. Chen 0086-574-89186473
Healthcare: Mr. Chen 0086-574-89183886
Professional services:
Accounting: Ms. Xu 0086-574-89388559
Legal service: Ms. Zhou 0086-574-87002630
Human resources: Ms. Zheng 0086-574-89298083
Other professional services: Mr. Sun 0086-574-89382795
Urban planning & design: Mr. Wang 0086-574-89284642
Architecture: Ms. Wang 0086-574-89187220
Fashion & creativity: Ms. Liu 0086-574-89186461
S&T service: Ms. Huang 0086-574-89298068
Modern agriculture: Mr. Shi 0086-574-89186655
3. For entrepreneurial teams with capital investment
Contact person: Mr. Yang, 0086-574-89585030
Prioritized Sectors/Disciplines in Specific Fields
Industrial field | Prioritized sectors/disciplines |
S&T Innovation | |
Digital Industry | Integrated circuits, optoelectronics & sensing technologies, software information; Metaverse (Blockchain, digital twins, intelligent sensing); Future intelligence (communication networks, computing networks, Artificial General Intelligence, Intelligent Industrial Internet) |
Green Petrochemicals | High-end polyolefins, specialty rubber & thermoplastic elastomers, engineering plastics, high-performance fibers and composites, polyurethane materials, biodegradable plastics, etc. |
High-end Equipment | NEVs (including components), robotics, industrial machine tools (machine tools, 3D printers, punch presses) |
New Material | Electronic materials, rare-earth magnetic materials, high-end metal alloy materials, intelligent terminal membrane material, and other emerging functional materials; Cutting-edge new materials (Graphene-based materials, flexible electronics, fourth-generation semiconductors) |
New Energy | Smart photovoltaics, energy storage; Future energy (hydrogen fuel cells, solid-state batteries, new electricity generating technologies, etc.) |
Key Basic Components | High-end mold materials processing; mold prototyping & processing; design of large and complex molds; high-speed servo motors; permanent magnet motors; magnetic levitation motors; motor drive controllers; R&D on critical structural components of motors; high-speed, high-precision, and lightweight bearings; industrial robotic bearings; R&D on NEV bearings |
Modern Healthcare | Bio-medicine; medical equipment; innovative pharmaceuticals (radiotherapy drugs, targeted drugs, biological vaccines, natural medicinal extracts, and relevant high-end formulations); future diagnosis & treatment (artificial organs and tissues, cell therapy, genetic diagnostics, digital healthcare, high-end medical devices); Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Aeronautics & Astronautics Technology | Aeronautics & astronautics basic parts, Satellite Internet |
Future Marine Economy | Marine equipment, marine information, marine biology |
Quantum Science and Technology | Quantum measurement, Quantum communication, Quantum computing |
Others | Mechanics (Ningbo University) |
Urban Economy | |
E-commerce | Large E-commerce platform companies/teams, research on new forms of E-commerce, E-commerce live-streaming, MCN agencies |
Port & Shipping Logistics | High-end shipping services, international maritime services, eco-friendly ports, smart ports & shipping logistics, multimodal transportation, cold-chain logistics, intelligent warehousing, supply chain management, etc. |
Financial Insurance | Financial innovation research; urgently-demanded financial talents, senior management professionals, fin-tech, and financial services |
Culture & Sports | Distinctive cultural and artistic projects, key cultural industries, talent projects pioneering regional cultural development |
Education | Research on basic education, and basic disciplines of higher education |
Healthcare | Clinical diagnosis, treatment and research on malignant tumors and major diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, blood system, urinary system, reproductive system, and immune system; Clinical diagnosis, treatment and research in the fields of Orthopedics, sports medicine, women & children’s health, mental Health, otolaryngology, etc.; Clinical diagnosis and treatment of major and acute infectious diseases and researches related to public health. |
Accounting | Accounting services for IPOs and other financial matters in the capital market; integration of business and finance; and foreign-related taxation services, etc. |
Legal Services | Legal services for foreign-related matters; IPOs and other financial matters in the capital market; maritime affairs; and other emerging sectors. |
Human Resource | Headhunting, human resource outsourcing, online recruitment, human resource assessment, human resource management consulting, human resource training services, etc. |
Other Professional Services | Modern professional services in new forms/models (apart from those in the sectors of accounting, legal services and human resources). |
Urban Planning | Urban planning and design, surveying and mapping, geography, etc. |
Architecture | Survey and design, energy-efficient architecture, etc. |
Fashion & Creative Design | Fashion and creative design, production & operation management, brand marketing and other related sectors in the manufacturing industry |
S&T Services | R&D and design services, S&T consulting services, technology transfer and commercialization services, inspection and certification services, intellectual property services, S&T financial services, business incubation services, etc. |
Modern Agriculture | Modern seed industry; R&D and promotion of breeding and seedling technologies; farmland protection and irrigation technologies; disease prevention technologies and vaccine development for animals and plants; R&D and testing of agricultural inputs; R&D and promotion of new agricultural technologies, varieties and models; quality & safety testing of agricultural products; facility agriculture and digital agriculture technologies; high-efficiency ecological farming/aquaculture technologies; pollution control and environmental quality testing technologies for farming and animal husbandry; recycling of agricultural and rural wastes; renewable energy, energy saving and emission reduction technologies in agricultural and rural sectors, integration of agriculture and tourism, etc. |